Thursday, September 15, 2011

Baby Stats

Bert had a doctor's appointment yesterday so we thought we'd fill everybody in on how our not-so-little guy is growing.

Weight: 13 pounds, 12 ounces
Length: 24 inches

Head circumference: 15 1/2 inches (I think that means he has his mama's brains, right?)

Here he is showing you that he's ten weeks old...

We are quite fortunate that he is sleeping through the night now, usually a solid eight hours, thanks to swaddling. His naps are typically few and far between during the day, but he is more alert all the time and quite content to play on the floor and bat at the things that hang from his little play-yard. He loves his little lion that jiggles and vibrates when you pull on it (Thanks, Farah! You were right about that one!) and is still a big fan of his swing which is nice when he gets fussy and there are other things that need to get done. We've seen something resembling a laugh when he is tickled under his armpits and he loves when you "row" with him and sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" even if Mom and Dad can't carry a tune in a bucket. All in all, ten weeks have flown by and it is amazing to see the changes over that period of time, and even changes day to day. Just today, he rolled up onto one shoulder several times trying to grab a toy. It is so fun to watch him grow and to share it with all of you!

Quarter-Acre Challenge: Can you guess what room we parked the wagon in for the weekly photo? Does the ugly floor give it away?

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