Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Light to Work By

When we first saw our house, the garage had some fantastic work lights hanging from the ceiling. When we moved in, they were gone. In the two years since, Keith has grumbled about the lack of good lighting to work on projects out there but we hadn't jumped on doing anything about the situation.

Then he was scrolling through the employee "classifieds" at work where people from the company can list things they are selling, renting, or would like to buy. He came across a listing for fluorescent work lights for $5 each. Mr. Fast Fingers was dialing the number in no time. Turns out the woman had been using them for starting seedlings but was no longer gardening so Keith came home with three work lights for $15. What a steal! Lucky for him, all he had to do was install some hooks to hang them from and plug them in because they were pretty much identical to the ones the previous owners were using that just plug into outlets in the rafters, which are all connected to the main light switch. So for $15 and an hour's worth of work, Keith just lost his "There's not enough good light out there to work on that now" excuse. (Bet you didn't consider that, did you dear?)

And just because Keith likes you all to have visual proof that he actually does work around here (no matter what I say), here are the thrilling action shots of light hanging:

Once again, the man lights up my life.

1 comment:

  1. That is a awesome find! I also shop on such postings like Craig's list and cheapcycle! I have gotten some great deals from there!


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