Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pretty in Pink

When you have little ones, and especially little boys, the house is often a wreck. It is blocks, tractors, diggers, cars. And crumbs. Oh, the crumbs!

Not only are these the things all over your house, but they are the things you talk about. You talk about diggers and tractors and cars, and their mufflers and wheels and air filters. (Yes, Colter wants to know about the air filters.)

So, when a friend (also the mother of two little boys, very close to Colter and Elliott's ages) comes for a playdate and brings a beautiful bouquet of peonies, it is like a breath of fresh air. An injection of girly-ness. A bit of pretty in the midst of kid-chaos.

Pretty flowers and adult conversation – just what I needed in the middle of a gray and dreary week. Thanks, Tawanda!


  1. Oh the joy of adult conversation and two way communication (not work related) is so nice these days. Play dates are great!

  2. Yes I love having play dates to keep my mama sanity :)


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