Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Sad Farewell to a Faithful Friend

I have been putting off writing this post because there's just no easy way to talk about it. Two Fridays ago, we had to have our dog, Bailey, put down. She had been having trouble getting up and down steps and her back legs seemed to be getting weaker all the time, and she was disinterested in her food. We thought it was her Lyme disease when she first seemed lethargic and wasn't eating much, but after a month long course of the antibiotics that helped her bounce back last time, she didn't seem any better. We took her back to the vet and he did x-rays, which revealed a lump or tumor situated on her spine back near her hips. At nearly thirteen years old, surgery just wasn't an option for Bailey, so the vet suggested some painkillers and other medications that might take the inflammation out of the lump and make her comfortable for awhile yet. He informed us that if we didn't see her regain interest in her food or improvement in her hind legs, that it meant it was the end of the road for her. We were hopeful though that maybe the medications would be enough to make her perk back up. That was Tuesday.

She didn't seem to improve at all through the week, though she didn't worsen either. We were planning on waiting out the weekend to give her time because nobody wants to make this decision for another living creature. But by Friday morning, she was unable to stand, hadn't shown any interest in food for more than a day, and was throwing up her medicine. We knew it was time, and Keith called the vet as soon as they opened and made the appointment. I guess that's about all the details anybody needs. It was among the hardest things either of us ever had to do.

As we talked later that day and over the next couple days, we realized how long it had really been since Bailey was herself. The self that loved walks, wanted to roll around in the grass, ran upstairs to her bed when you said, "Bedtime, Bailey!" and scarfed down any treat, pig's ear, or table scrap she could get her paws on. So, as hard as it was, it felt like the right decision to let her go.

In case you never had the chance to meet our mellow, quiet, and lovable Bailey, this is the dog who

...was not real fond of the holidays...

...loved to be outside...

...lived for her nightly post-walk treat...

...took over the cat's bed on the first day of living in our house...

...was always looking for you to drop something in the kitchen...

...could often be found sleeping on the couch when left home alone...

...had sad puppy eyes that melted your heart...

...and always wanted to be close.

Our house feels a bit empty now, and our daily routines are thrown off with her gone, but we are adjusting. We are just glad to have had her in our lives and hope she felt the same about us. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she had a wonderful life with you.


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